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Baby Names Ina

Below are the results for baby name Ina. Meaning of Ina. Origin of Ina.
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Name Gender Origin/Nationality Name Meaning
Aaminah Girl Muslim, Arabic Secured, Safe
Abhinav Boy Hindu
Adamina Girl Hebrew Feminine of Adam / eathly
Adelina Girl English / Spanish / German The noble one
Adina Girl Hebrew Gentle / delicate / voluptuous
Adolfina Girl German / Spanish The noble wolf / warrior
Ainalsaba Girl Muslim, Arabic Treasure of the eye
Akilina Girl Greek / Russian / Latin Eagle
Akina Girl Japanese Flower
Albertina Girl French, German, Italian Noble
Albina Girl Italian White-skinned
Alina Girl Celtic Fair
Alina Girl Muslim, Arabic Beautiful
Alvina Girl German Beloved by all
Amina Girl Muslim, Arabic Honest
Aminah Girl Muslim, Arabic Trustworthy, faithful

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Baby Name Ina - Ina Baby Name
Origin of Ina - Meaning of Ina


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