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Baby Names Anu

Below are the results for baby name Anu. Meaning of Anu. Origin of Anu.
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Name Gender Origin/Nationality Name Meaning
Anu Girl Hindu
Anuj Boy Hindu younger brother
Anum Girl Muslim, Arabic Blessing of god, gods gift
Anupam Boy Hindu unique/ uncomparable
Anupama Girl Hindu beautiful
Anuradha Girl Hindu a bright star
Anusree Girl Hindu pretty
Banujah Girl Muslim, Arabic The daughter of al-Mahdi
Bhanu Girl Hindu sun/ fame
Bhanumati Girl Hindu famous
Bhanuni Girl Hindu charming woman
Bhanupriya Girl Hindu the sun's beloved
Emanuela Girl Hebrew, Biblical  God is with us 
Emanuele Boy Hebrew, Biblical  god is with us 
Emmanuel Boy Hebrew God is with us
Janu Boy Hindu soul/ life force

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Baby Name Anu - Anu Baby Name
Origin of Anu - Meaning of Anu


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