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Baby Names Asha

Below are the results for baby name Asha. Meaning of Asha. Origin of Asha.
Advanced search
Name Gender Origin/Nationality Name Meaning
Abhilasha Girl Hindu wish/ desire
Abrasha Boy Hebrew  Father
Ajatashatru Boy Hindu a name of Vishnu
Asha Girl Hindu expectation
Asha'ath Boy Muslim, Arabic Scattered, Spread about, humble
Ashalina Girl Muslim, Arabic Sweet, always living, shy, loving
Ashank Boy Hindu faith
Ashar Boy Muslim, Arabic One who has wisdom
Bashaar Boy Muslim, Arabic Good news
Bashair Girl Muslim, Arabic Good news, good omens
Bashar Boy Muslim, Arabic Good news
Basharat Boy Muslim, Arabic Good news
Kehkashan Girl Muslim, Arabic Galaxy
Mashal Boy Muslim, Arabic Torch
Nasha Girl Muslim, Arabic Scent, perfume
Nashah Boy Muslim, Arabic Growing up, youth

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Baby Name Asha - Asha Baby Name
Origin of Asha - Meaning of Asha


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