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Baby Names Bel

Below are the results for baby name Bel. Meaning of Bel. Origin of Bel.
Advanced search
Name Gender Origin/Nationality Name Meaning
Abel Boy Hebrew / Assyrian  Son of Adam and Eve. Breath
Abelia Girl Assyrian / French / Hebrew Feminine of Abel, son of Adam and Eve. Breath
Adabela Girl Spanish Beautiful noble one
Aldabella Girl Italian  Old / beautiful
Amabelle Girl Latin Loveable
Annabella Girl italian Lovable
Annabelle Girl Celtic Joy
Arabella Girl Latin , German, English, italian Beautiful altar
Bel Girl Hindu sacred wood apple tree
Belden Boy German From the fair valley
Belinda Girl Italian , Spanish Beautiful
Bella Girl French Beautiful
Belladonna Girl Italian  Beautiful woman 
Belle Girl French Beautiful
Bluebell Girl English Bluebell, plant of the lily family. Geri Halliwell gave her daughter this name
Bonnibel Girl Latin Good, beautiful

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