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Baby Names Val

Below are the results for baby name Val. Meaning of Val. Origin of Val.
Advanced search
Name Gender Origin/Nationality Name Meaning
Avalon Girl Celtic, Gaelic Island of the apple
Avalon Boy Celtic, Gaelic Island of the apple
Beval Boy English Like the wind
Beval Girl English Like the wind
Chevalier Boy French, English Horseman
Dhaval Boy Hindu
Jaival Boy Hindu life giving
Kanval Girl Muslim, Arabic Flower
Kuval Boy Hindu wisdom
Percival Boy French, Latin Valley-piercer
Sumavali Girl Hindu garland
Suvali Girl Hindu full of grace
Ujvala Girl Hindu bright/ lighted
Val Boy Latin Strong
Vala Girl English Chosen
Valborg Boy Swedish Mighty mountain

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Baby Name Val - Val Baby Name
Origin of Val - Meaning of Val


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