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Irish baby names 2006

Below are the top 20 baby names for 2006 registered in Ireland, compiled by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) every year. Have a look at the top 10 baby boy names and 10 baby girl names for the most popular Irish baby names.

Top Baby Shop

Top Irish baby girl names

  1. Katie
  2. Grace
  3. Emma
  4. Sophie
  5. Ellie
  6. Lucy
  7. Sarah
  8. Hannah
  9. Jessica
  10. Erin
  11. Niamh
  12. Caitlin
  13. Chloe
  14. Amy
  15. Leah
  16. Aoife
  17. Rebecca
  18. Emily
  19. Aimee
  20. Anna

As released by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA)

Top Irish baby boy names

  1. Jack
  2. Matthew
  3. Ryan
  4. James
  5. Daniel
  6. Adam
  7. Joshua
  8. Callum
  9. Ben
  10. Ethan
  11. Jamie
  12. Conor
  13. Luke
  14. Thomas
  15. Dylan
  16. Sean
  17. Michael
  18. Aaron
  19. Jake
  20. Calum